Zimbra 5.0
Zimbra is an open source server and client technology for next-generation enterprise messaging and collaboration. Zimbra delivers innovation for both the administrator and the end-user as well as compatibility with existing infrastructure and applications (both open source and proprietary).
| | See detailed product rating and read or post comments | Open source software similar to Zimbra | Open-Xchange Available for: windows mac linux unix java The Open-Xchange Collaboration and Integration Server Environment allows you to create, store and link appointments, contacts, tasks, email, bookmarks, documents, forums and many more elements and... Read more |
Zimbra is an open source alternative to
| Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Available for: windows mac linux unix java For messaging and collaboration Microsoft Exchange Server is one of the most used platforms. Together for Microsoft Outlook this is a powerful solution for enterprises of any size. Read more |
| Zimbra news feed | FAQ: How do I submit a feature request or bug report? Contributed by Shardool Gore, Product Manager Co-edited by: Karyn Tan, Senior Manager in Marketing Feature requests can be submitted through the pm.zimbra.com portal by clicking on ‘New post?... | Did you know you can change the default help link in the Zimbra Modern UI (user interface)? Contributed by Yasuko Komiyama, Zimbra Senior Sales Engineer Co-edited by: Karyn Tan, Senior Manager in Marketing There are several reasons why customers may want to change this default help link and... | FAQ: How often do you update the development roadmap? Contributed by Shardool Gore, Product Manager, Zimbra (a product of Synacor) Co-edited by: Karyn Tan, Senior Manager in Marketing The development roadmap is updated regularly to reflect the ongoing... | FAQ: Why can?t I find my bug on pm.zimbra.com? Contributed by Shardool Gore, Product Manager, Zimbra (a product of Synacor) Co-edited by: Karyn Tan, Senior Manager in Marketing Bugs submitted through the Zimbra Support team are handled through... |