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Search results for web editor
126 matching pages
Amaya 10
Amaya, developed by W3C, is a web editor/browser that creates and updates documents directly on your website. W3C (WWW Consortium) needed a framework that could include as many of their technologies...
Aptana 2
Aptana is an html/javascript editor, however, it does not provide any WYSIWYG feature - but it is still an amazing editor with many advanced features. Aptana is intended for people developing dynamic...
Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Dreamweaver has been a cornerstone in the web design and development industry since its initial release in 1997. Acquired by Adobe Systems in 2005, Dreamweaver has evolved... Alternatives: Nvu SeaMonkey Bluefish Quanta Plus KompoZer Aptana Amaya
XML Copy Editor 1.2
XML Copy Editor is a versatile XML editor primarily focused on text editing with XML files. However, XML Copy Editor provides many other features including validation of DTD and XML schemas - as well...
KompoZer 0.7.7
Kompozer is an open source web development tool built on NVU. The project strives to fix bugs in the NVU project and added new features to it. Both the HTML editor as well as the CSS editor has so...
Mozilla SeaMonkey
SeaMonkey settles all of your internet application needs in own package. Its a web-browser, email and newsgroup client, HTML authoring program and IRC chat client all-in-one. In most areas -...
OpenLaszlo Editor
For all of you looking for a great editor for your OpenLaszlo projects - look no further than Eclipse. Eclipse is an open source integrated development environment (IDE) that was originally made for...
Komodo Edit 5
Komodo Edit is an open source editor by ActiveState that is different from your run-of-the-mill editor in that it has many features that are usually absent in editors, but you might find in IDEs...
Bluefish 1.0
Eventhough Bluefish is not a WYSIWYG editor - it is still considered a strong tool, however, mainly for experienced web developers/designers. Has support for unicode - and provides wizards for -...
Editra 0.4
Editra is an open source text editor that supports a variety of features, including syntax highlighting, for over sixty programming languages. Since it is built using wxWidgets, it can run on...
Microsoft Movie Maker 2.1
Even though Microsoft Movie Maker is freeware bundled with Windows XP - it is still a powerful video editor for home users and can even be used by for semi-professional video productions. Imports... Alternatives: Kino Avidemux VirtualDub Cinelerra
jEdit 4.2
jEdit is powerful open source editor that has taken the best features from all other editors and combined them into one. And as an open source java application is runs on virtually any platform....
UltraEdit v14.00
UltraEdit is and has been for a long time - the answer to all of your text editing demands. Features include: syntax highlighting for many programming languages, built-in SFTP/FTP client,... Alternatives: jEdit Notepad++ Cream SciTE Editra Komodo Edit
Altova XMLSpy 2009
XMLSpy is most likely the number one XML editor on the market. While other programs may include XML editing functionalities - XMLSpy does it to perfection. The editing features and support for both... Alternatives: XML Copy Editor Serna Free
Serna Free 4.2
Serna Free is an open source, powerful XML editor. It is geared toward those with no experience and uses WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) for ease of use. Its appearance is a lot like a word...
Quanta Plus 3.5
For quick and effortless web development - Quanta Plus is steadily becoming a worthwhile competitor to the commercial web editors on the market. Quanta Plus's features include multi-document...
Nvu 1.0
Nvu is a web development system primarily developed for Linux but is now also available for windows and mac. The project aims to be an open source alternative for the major commercial web authoring...
SciTE 1.73
SciTE is a developers editor. Originally made as an example for the Scintilla project - an open source source code editing component, SciTE today is a fully featured text editor for developers using...
Chrome, the new browser by Google, uses refreshingly minimal design and combines it with advanced technology to make surfing the internet safer, faster and simpler than ever before. One of the...
Apache HTTP Server
Apache HTTP Server is (according to Netcraft) the most deployed and used web server on the internet. It is always up-to-date with the latest HTTP standards - and runs on any modern operating system....
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0
As part of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 you find Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), which is Microsoft's web server. Fits organizations of all sizes - and fulfills any requirements for... Alternatives: Apache HTTP Server
Notepad++ 5.2
Notepad++ is an excellent open source replacement for Microsoft Notepad, but has many more features that lets it compete with commercial text editors for both development and web design. Some...
GParted 0.7
GParted is an open source partition manager also known as the Gnome Partition Editor application. It is actualy a LiveCD/LiveUSB that allows you to boot directly into GParted when you need it -...
MindTouch Core 9
MindTouch is the Web's most popular commercially supported wiki platform for creating content and mashups using a wiki interface. The free, open source application is an easy to use program...
HP LoadRunner 9.5
LoadRunner is state-of-the-art performance measuring and load testing. With LoadRunner you can emulate e.g. thousands of users accessing your application at once and collect performance data to e.g.... Alternatives: OpenSTA
Cream 0.39
Cream is an open source text editor which used Vim as a base. However, Cream added an intuitive user interface with pull-down menus, toolbar, keyboard shortcuts and a tabbed based multi document...
JBoss Application Server
JBoss Application Server is the most widely deployed open source application server on the market. As a certified J2EE platform it supports all features of J2EE 1.4 including additional services such...
UFRaw 0.16
UFRaw or Unidentified Flying Raw - is an open source raw photo editor and converter. It is based on DCRaw (written by David Coffin) and can be used either as a standalone application - or as a...
IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.1
IBM WebSphere Application provides a very reliable, scalable platform for you web based applications or services. Security and high availability makes you applications running with no interference... Alternatives: JBoss Application Server Geronimo
Oracle Portal 10g
Oracle Portal comes pre-integrated with the Oracle Database and provides and out-of-the-box solution allowing easy deployment of web portals for all of your enterprise needs. With usability as a core... Alternatives: Liferay Portal
Mozilla Firefox
Despite a very hard effort Mozilla Firefox has always been 2nd on the browser market - only surpassed by Microsoft Internet Explorer. However, it is gaining market share rapidly - and aims to take...
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
Most likely the most wide spread browser on the planet - mainly due to the fact that it is comes as freeware with Microsoft Windows. However, still a very effect tool that have matured over the past... Alternatives: SeaMonkey Firefox Amaya Chrome
Liferay Portal 4.4.0
Liferay Portal is enterprise quality portal software. A major focus is usability - allowing users to get started right away without spending too much time buried in thick manuals. However, being an...
IrfanView is a free, small, fast graphic viewer whose goal is to be simple for beginners while meeting the power needs of professionals. It allows you to view and change graphic images to your own... Alternatives: Cornice Imgv
Songbird 1.1
Songbird is a new audio player on the internet with unique features. It is, however, not a mature project yet - but for the enthusiast it is definitely worth a try. Songbird is built around the...
WaveMaker is a visual, drag and drop development platform for building web applications. WaveMaker generates standard Java applications that can run in any Java server. Applications created by...
Opera 9
Opera is a freeware web browser with lots of features such as: integrated BitTorrent client, ad and pop-up blocker, mail client and irc chat and many other features. Opera has always focused on... Alternatives: SeaMonkey Firefox Amaya Chrome
Macromedia Flash Professional CS5
Macromedia Flash has been one of the most innovative technologies on the web - and today it is even more widely deployed than ever. Flash was originally made to create multimedia for the web where... Alternatives: OpenOffice Impress OpenLaszlo
Umbraco 3.0.1
Umbraco is a unique Content Management Systems (CMS) written in ASP.NET. First of all Umbraco allows designers to have completely free hands in terms of layout, and thus making sure that your site is...
You might want to consider Concrete 5 if you need a simple CMS (Content Management System) that can be used by both web developers and designers. This open source CMS has a few speed bumps but its...
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 6.0
Well-known for it's refractoring and J2EE support - IntelliJ IDEA is one of the most used commercial Java IDEs available. The intelligent code editor helps the developer and increases productivity.... Alternatives: Eclipse NetBeans IDE
Today the future of internet begins - and open source is ready
Companies world-wide start to embrace the new standard for communication on the internet; the Internet Protocol version 6 - also known as IPv6. IPv6 will at some point replace existing IPv4 which...
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator, a key component of Adobe's Creative Cloud, has set the standard in vector graphics design since its launch in 1987. It offers precision and power with sophisticated drawing... Alternatives: Inkscape Skencil Krita Xara LX
Filemaker Pro 9
Using Filemaker Pro users can easily and fast create databases - and even share them over the web. Customize the applications you build to get the look-and-feel you or your organization require. Once... Alternatives: OpenOffice Base Kexi Glom
OpenLaszlo 4.0
OpenLaszlo is an open source development platform for web applications. It's main target today is generating macromedia flash files (swf)and AJAX/DHTML for use on web pages and sites. OpenLaszlo is...
Nagios is an open source monitoring systems that keeps an eye on your network, hosts and even services using plug-ins and SNMP. It's web-based user interface allow you to quickly discover problems...
Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007
Microsoft Office Sharepoint server (MOSS) runs on top of Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS), adding core features and and user web parts. Essentially, it's a workflow engine and business intelligence... Alternatives: Alfresco MindTouch Core
Zenoss is one of the top open source network and systems monitoring solutions - and some will even say that it valid competitor to many of the major commercial enterprise monitoring systems. With...
TOra 2.0
TOra is an open source database administration and sql tool for Oracle. With TOra you can perform virtually any administrative task on your Oracle database servers - anything from user and security...
Blender 2.46
Blender is a free 3D animation and modeling suite. It includes tools for modeling - fast subdivision surface and polygon tools, multi-resolution mesh sculpting, metaballs, NURBS, vector fonts, and...
HeidiSQL is a brilliant, small and simple open source SQL tool for MySQL databases. It does exactly what you expect it to - and a few extra things. Downloading, installing and configuring is very...
LMMS 0.4.5
Linux Multimedia Studio (LMMS) is a free DAW (digital audio workstation) created for Linux & Windows. Although it has a rather steep learning curve, there are many tutorials and it includes several...
FOG is an imaging solution for Vista and Windows XP that makes use of some open-source tools and a PHP based web interface. It is unique in that it requires no boot disks or CDs, using TFTP and PXE...
Seashore 0.1.9
Seashore, an open source image editing program for the MacOS's Cocoa framework, stands somewhere between the old MacPaint and Photoshop. Its advantage lies in serving the basic image editing needs...
Drupal 6.2
Drupal is an open source software package for individuals or communities of users that need to publish, organize and manage a website's content also know as a content management system (CMS). ...
CuteFTP 8
For many years CuteFTP has been a household name when is comes to effecient and simple file transfer (ftp) primeraly used by people how want to publish/upload their websites. CuteFTP's forces are... Alternatives: FileZilla Cyberduck WinSCP
Adobe GoLive CS2
GoLive satisfies your every requirement when building and designing advanced websites. Using CSS is now done simply and visually - through GoLive. As with all other Adobe Creative Suite products -... Alternatives: Nvu SeaMonkey Bluefish Quanta Plus KompoZer Aptana Amaya
Microsoft NetMeeting 3.01
NetMeeting is Microsoft's desktop videoconferencing tool that allows people to have face to face meetings via computer. If you have Windows 2000 or XP, you can take advantage of this marvelous... Alternatives: Ekiga
TuxGuitar is a great music writing and learning tool with no pretensions to being a real DAW, although it does contain some DAW type features. It is a multitrack guitar tablature and standard...
Textpattern (TXP) is a content management system (CMS) that comes in more than 40 languages with a browser based interface. It can be used by bloggers and web publishers to manage their websites. It...
ArgoUML 0.24
ArgoUML is a great UML (Unified Modeling Language) tool. Written in Java and using Java Web Start makes it easy to work with (install) and use on any platform. It has full support for the UML 1.4...
Inkscape is an open-source vector graphics editor that rivals proprietary software with its comprehensive feature set and flexibility. Launched in 2003, Inkscape has become a favorite tool among...
Corel Draw X5
Corel Draw part of the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite has a long history of being one of the most popular vector drawing software applications around. Wheter you are designing graphics for print, web or... Alternatives: Inkscape OpenOffice Draw Skencil Xara LX
zNotes is a note management application. It has a user friendly, attractive interface and has vertical tabs that can be placed on any side of your text area. Use it to organize your daily tasks as...
BRL-CAD is an open source cad systems based around constructive solid geometry (csg) modeling. On top of all of it's modeling features, such as the interactive geometry editor, BRL-CAD offers...
VirtualDub 1.7.8
VirtualDub is an open source video processor/editor. Even though it may not be able to do advanced editing like non-linear video editors - it has powerful features for processing your video clips....
Adobe After Effects 7.0
After Effects is the most advanced and visually impressive effects tool on the market. Used for television and movie production After Effects provides some of the best 2D and 3D features for both... Alternatives: Jahshaka
Microsoft Frontpage 2003
Microsoft Frontpage is a wysiwyg HTML editor - well-know mainly through Microsoft's brand and massive advertising. However, Frontpage has never really been the choice of professionals, but remained... Alternatives: Nvu SeaMonkey Bluefish Quanta Plus KompoZer Aptana Amaya
vtiger CRM
VTiger CRM (customer relationship management) is software intended for small and medium sized businesses that have a need to manage their customer base, customer service, marketing department and...
Many people enjoy captures images to share with their friends and family or use in their blogs or on their websites. ZScreen is a capture program for Windows that allows region, window or full...
VLC media player
VLC media player - originally named VideoLAN Client - is a flexible media player available for virtually any operating system including portal/handheld computers. VLC plays all of the common media...
For Mac OS X Cyberduck is simply one of the best ftp clients around. Supporting both standard ftp and secure ftp (sftp) - Cyberduck is a versatile and easy to use ftp client. Additionally Cyberduck...
WikidPad 1.8
If you've ever been frustrated in finding the ideal application for organizing all your ideas, lists, contacts or notes, you'll be glad you tried WikidPad. The concept of "wiki" comes from the...
Quest Software Toad for Oracle
Toad is one of the most populare and widely used database development and administration tools. This feature-rich product is a must-have for everyone working with Oracle. Features include query... Alternatives: TOra SQLTools SQuirreL SQL Client
Corel PaintShop Pro
PaintShop Pro, developed by Corel, stands as a powerful photo editing and graphic design software that offers a comprehensive suite of tools for photographers and designers alike. Since its... Alternatives: Gimp Krita Seashore Pinta
Zim 0.48
Zim-Wiki is a very useful open source application that allows you to organize your notes and thoughts. Simple to use and easy to learn, it supports inline images so that you can insert images from...
Jokosher is a multi-track music editor. The interface uses familiar concepts to musicians rather than relying on their knowledge of multi-track recorders. Guitarists and other players who don't...
Evernote provides a means to capture just about anything you would want to save whether it is notes to yourself, something you saw or heard or even just things that you like. It works with nearly... Alternatives: RedNotebook NeverNote
Sage 4.1
SAGE is open source mathematics software that can be used to studying elementary to advanced number theory, algebra, cryptography, group theory and so much more. It includes interfaces to many other...
JasperReports 2.0
JasperReports is a powerful open source Java reporting tool that has the ability to deliver rich content onto the screen, to the printer or into PDF, HTML, XLS, CSV, XML and even flash (swf) files....
Alfresco 2.1
Alfresco (Italian for "outdoors") is an open source, less expensive alternative to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. The plentiful ECM (enterprise content management) features of Alfresco rival the...
Pandora 2.0
Pandora FMS (Flexible Monitoring System) is a complete network and node (servers, workstations, etc.) monitoring solution. Pandora comes in three parts - agents, server and console. The agents are...
Open-Xchange 0.8
The Open-Xchange Collaboration and Integration Server Environment allows you to create, store and link appointments, contacts, tasks, email, bookmarks, documents, forums and many more elements and...
SQLTools 1.4.1
SQLTools is an open source tool for Oracle database development. It is a small and light weighted tool which also aims at being fast and responsive. SQLTools' powerful editor has many features to...
Imgv 3.1.5
Imgv is a versatile image viewer that support all common image formats - and allows you to easily browse through all of your pictures. Image data including exif information can be displayed on top of...
WinSCP 4.2
WinSCP originally started as a SCP (secure copy) client, but later gained SFTP capabilities - and as of April 2007 it also support legacy FTP. Once installed WinSCP integrates fully with Windows -...
Rosegarden 1.7
Rosegarden is a professional audio and MIDI sequencer, score editor, and general-purpose music composition and editing environment. Rosegarden is an easy-to-learn, attractive application that runs on...
Greenshot is a screenshot tool, supports several image formats as well as saving part or all of a screen into a file within one second's time. This program takes only a small amount of memory, a...
NeDi w-rc1
NeDi is an open source network management framework which uses scheduled discovery to examine your network. All data is store in a SQL database and through the web-based user interface your can...
Karbon14 1.5.0
Karbon14 is a vector drawing application part of the open source KOffice suite. Being a vector based drawing program everything drawn is store as geometric shapes allowing you to scale you drawing up...
Adobe FrameMaker 7.2
For writing books whether manuals, fact or fiction - FrameMaker is the product to use. FrameMaker is one of the most advanced typesetting programs on the market and is used by many enterprises for... Alternatives: Scribus KWord
MythTV is an open source personal/digital video recorder (dvr) with alot of extra features making it a complete media center for your home. Besides the standard features of watching and recording TV...
Borland Delphi 2006
Borland Delphi is a software development platform based on the delphi programming language (derived from pascal). Due to its simple language, IDE and GUI/forms editor - Delphi has been one of the top... Alternatives: Lazarus
WIPFW 0.2.8
WIPFW is a firewall for Windows based on IPFW for FreeBSD unix and it provides virtually the same features, functionality and user interface. Please note when downloading WIPFW remember to get the...
EMS SQL Manager for MySQL 2007
SQL Manager for MySQL makes work with any MySQL database a simple task. No more need for command-line tool 'mysql'. Everything can be controlled directly from within SQL Manager - all database... Alternatives: HeidiSQL SQuirreL SQL Client
SilverStripe 2.2
SilverStripe is an easy to use content management system (CMS) based on PHP. Not only does SilverStripe offer an very cool looking user interface, but is is really simple to get started with and...
Toon Boom Studio 3.5
For state of the art 2d vector animation, especially for cartoons - Toon Boom Studio is the product to get. Used for some of the most popular cartoons on TV as well as in the movies Toom Boom... Alternatives: Synfig KToon Pencil
FL Studio
Formerly known as Fruity Loops, FL Studio is a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). It can be used as a sort of doodle pad for musical ideas or to master tracks that are ready to publish. FL Studio... Alternatives: LMMS
Blackboard Learning System
The Blackboard Learning System is an easy-to-use, intuitive application that encourages students' involvement in communication, collaboration and interaction. Instructors will find they can easily... Alternatives: Moodle Sakai
389 Directory Server
389 Directory Server (previously known as Fedora Directory Server) is an open source LDAP server with many advanced features and built for both high performance and reliability. The 389 Directory...
Sibelius 6
Sebelius is notation software for students, composers, educators, arrangers and musicians of all disciplines. There are new improvements and features that make Sebelius a one-stop composing and... Alternatives: MuseScore
Qt Creator 1.2.1
When you want to build applications with state of the art GUI interfaces you may want to look at Nokia's Qt Creator. It is focused on the idea of providing Qt users the features they need to get up...
Most of us have experienced searching through piles of notes trying to find that number we jotted down or the idea we want to finally use. Tomboy allows you to go paperless and organize your notes. ...
MySQL 5.0
Increasingly growing market shares caused by a good reputation and of course the fact that it is completely free of charge - makes MySQL the most widely deployed open source database. For most web...
Araxis Merge 6.5
Araxis Merge is a professional tool for visual comparison and merging of text files most typically source code - but also web pages. A feature especially useful for developers is the three-way... Alternatives: WinMerge
RedDot CMS 7.5
Whether you are designing your company's website, intranet or extranet - RedDot CMS is a professional tool with a simple interface. Like many other professional content management systems it... Alternatives: Umbraco SilverStripe Joomla Drupal Typo3 Concrete5 TextPattern
Navicat is a database management tool that lets users manage multiple databases on remote servers as well as local. Features include Unicode support, wizards for importing and exporting, batch job... Alternatives: SQLTools HeidiSQL SQuirreL SQL Client
OpenSTA 1.4.3
OpenSTA is a distributed software testing architecture. The main feature of OpenSTA is web (HTTP and HTTPS) performance and load/stress testing. It allows you to record different usage patterns on...
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
.NET is a framework made for application development and web services. It allows you to use components from multiple programming languages and combine them. Also the framework provides a large class... Alternatives: Mono
Lazarus 0.9
Lazarus is an open source development environment that strives to be Delphi compatible. Based on Free Pascal Lazarus has a great foundation that allows you to create applications that will run on all...
XChat 2.8
XChat is an IRC (internet relay chat) client. IRC is a world wide chat systems that has existed since the 80s. Based on multiple networks of servers where each network lists it's own topics (aka...
Eclipse 3.3
Java based IDE which aims to be a universal development toolkit. Even though it has it's roots in Java eclipse's plug-in base allows it to edit files for almost any environment including but not...
1Password 2.9
With all the passwords we have to remember, most of us need a little help. 1Password from Agile Web Solutions is an application that installs a plug-in into your browsers and gives you the option of... Alternatives: KeePass
digiKam is a multi-platform digital photo management system. It was inspired by real photographers who knew what they wanted to see, manage, enhance, edit, tag, organize and share. There are...
Quantum GIS
Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a geographical information system (GIS) that works with many platforms and with other commercial software packages. It has all of the common GIS functions and features. Its...
Guitar Pro
Guitar Pro is a tab editor, score player and backing band all in one application. It allows you to create and edits tablatures for bass, guitar, mandolin and other fretted instruments with 4-8... Alternatives: TuxGuitar
IceBB 1.0-rc8
IceBB is an upcoming bulletin board/forum software. Since its initial release in 2004 IceBB has slowly gained in popularity and features. Today it is a feature rich forum software package that...
Typo3 4.2
Typo3, a content management system (CMS), is feature rich and yet is one of the easiest systems to learn. With new functions being created by more than 300 registered developers on a frequent basis,...
Warcraft is one of the most popular real-time strategy (RTS) games of all times. Already from the original version (Warcraft: Orcs and Humans) the game was different and more exciting than other RTS... Alternatives: Glest
Babylon is translation software equipped with over 75 languages. You can translate Word, PDF and other documents as well as web pages or other online text. By selecting the text and opening Babylon... Alternatives: StarDict
Borland JBuilder 2006
Borland has always produced greate integrated development environments (IDE) - and JBuilder is no expection. All featres has been worked through to perfection, making JBuilder a feature packed... Alternatives: Eclipse NetBeans IDE
Qtpfsgui 1.9
Qtpfsgui is a tool for tone mapping HDR photography (high dynamic range imaging), which combines several photos of the same thing but taken at different exposures, resulting in a true representation...
RSS Bandit
RSS Bandit is a RSS and Atom reader that allows you to keep track of all of the news feeds you follow on the net. It's newspaper view lets you get a quick overview of unread posts across the blogs...
Frets on Fire 1.3
Frets on Fire is a musical game that challenges your dexterity by having you play guitar music on your computer keyboard. When you begin playing the game you will chose a song. The image of a guitar...
SuperTux is Antarctica's answer to Super Mario Bros., a lively game that you can download at no charge and play on your computer. You can use a joystick or the keyboard to control Tux, a penguin...
Geronimo 2.1
Geronimo is an open source J2EE application server as part of the Apache project. The goal is to have a Sun certified J2EE server open source implementation according to the latest specifications....
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